How might we To deliver the ideal experience for people who feel sick within three minutes in a space 8ft x 4ft ?
Project Brief
To create a ‘pop-up’ retail experience (8ft by 4ft) that communicates where the retail experience design is heading, focusing on a signature experience from the moment of selection to discovery and engagement
Duration: 5 months I Fall 2016
Role: Design researcher, Graphic designer, Fabrication Lead
Objective: To understand public relationships and perspectives toward apothecaries, and identify the optimal experience that people desire when they fall sick
1:1 interviews with visual tools (value cards, storyboards)
Street intercepts and A day in your life and shopalong (ethnographic interview)
Behavior observation
Social listening
Research Highlights
*A day in your life - One of the positive memories about getting sick is being able to stay in bed all day and my mom makes me chicken soup which I can eat in bed!
User Journey Map
We use 'what is' user journey map to understand the current interaction between customers and apothecary stores. Then we create 'what if' journey map to explore the possibilities which would help elevate the entire experience of a customer. In order to create the journey map we looked beyond the immediate interaction with the store to a day in a life of the customer.
Storyboard & Moodboard
We used story boarding as a main tool to express our ideas both internally within the team and external to our potential customers. The storyboards were used to communicate highlight moments of the store while mood boards were used to communicate atmosphere of the space. They were used as a guiding source throughout the design process, they went through numbers of iterations as we worked through testing different versions of our pop-up store.
Micro Pilot
We also tested our signature experience by micro-piloting the moment of transaction with 15 people and concluded that temperature is key to the experience; people enjoyed the benefits of cleaning their hands in warm surroundings while having someone to direct the experience was also helpful.
Signature Experience
Our signature experience of hand-washing with warm scented water highlights human connections, slow down the pace, sanitizing your hands which gives comfort during flu and cold season.